There are approximately 400 active committers, and not even five of
those are women.  How the *hell* can you claim to be discriminated
against when you are part of a 99% majority?

So you are saying that one person can't complain against other person
actions/behaviour strictly because it is part of some majority? That's like
very sexist (given we're talking about being male/female here) and
discriminative (in general) thing since you're denying him the same rights
simply because he's a male.

I think that's realy bad thing.

Congratulations, you totally missed the point :)

You are saying that a person belonging to a *ruling* majority is being discriminated against in their own ruling majority by a concept which denounces a whiny and hypocrite behaviour (male tears: when a member of this ruling majority tries ‑unsuccessfully‑ to impersonate an oppressed minority when their ruling position is in jeopardy).

(good luck in you life, by the way, because this kind of behaviour only works on the Internet… or at least that's what you thought ;)
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