Hello fellow FreeBSD friends,

I just released an urban fantasy novel today, Fire Light by J. Abram Barneck, 
and wanted to let you know that I added two references to FreeBSD in the novel. 
They aren't amazing references or anything. I just wanted the FreeBSD team to 
know that I was thinking of them, even when doing something non-FreeBSD-ish.

I guess publishing a novel wasn't completely non-FreeBSD-ish. I used some open 
source tools when writing this book. I wrote a significant portion of this book 
on PC-BSD with Open Office. I used Sigil, an open source eBook tool, to make 
the eBook, and my ebook is in HTML and CSS and is in source control.

One of the references is followed by an intentional use of an old spelling for 
a word common both to BSD and fantasy.

Below is my press release if anyone is interested in seeking out the book and 
finding the two BSD references.


J. Abram
 Barneck (i.e. Rhyous)

Utah-Based Urban Fantasy Novel Released
October 14, 2013 marks the official release date for author J. Abram Barneck’s 
Urban Fantasy debut novel Fire Light. The bulk of the novel takes place in Utah 
which sets it apart from others in its genre. Fire Light is intended to be the 
first of four teen/young adult books featuring main character Jake Stevens.
Jake is a jeek—part jock, part geek—who finds out he’s an unwitting target of 
genocide against a secret society known as the Druids—a society he didn’t even 
know he belonged to.
O’Brien, one of the last druids, is his mentor. Unfortunately, he is a dud when 
it comes to magic, but at least he is ex-military.
As for picking his girlfriend . . . well, that’s a split decision. Alexis and 
Kendra are opposites in almost every way.
Now, if he can just survive the nightwalker—an obsidian-skinned creature with a 
thirst for blood and a banshee's mind-destroying scream, who wears a cloak 
black enough to make the grim reaper jealous—then he might have a chance.
Ultimately, protecting his loved ones, and himself if possible, becomes his 
Fire Light is available on Amazon and will be available in paperback and audio 
in the future.
Fire Light is a novelization of a short story J. Abram Barneck wrote a few 
years ago based on the idea of a young man casting a magic missile in real 
life. Realizing the story would progress well into a novel, Barneck got to work 
adding characters and changing the story from third to first person.
J.Abram Barneck graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in English 
with an emphasis in Science Fiction and Fantasy Creative Writing. At BYU, he 
was the Assistant Fiction Director for Leading Edge the Sci-fi/Fantasy 
magazine. Barneck’s poem, The Sentinel, was published in Issue 48 of Leading 
Edge under the pseudonym Abram Jacobs.
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