On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:23 PM, Remko Lodder <re...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Oct 3, 2013, at 5:14 PM, Eitan Adler <li...@eitanadler.com> wrote:
>> Here is an overview of the people that visit FreeBSD.org:
>> http://people.freebsd.org/~eadler/files/Report-10.01.pdf
>> Some takeaways:
>> - More than half (60%) the people that come to our website leave
>> without going to another page (called 'bouncing').  However these
>> users spend more time than any other user per page.
>> - Non-bouncing users had an average of just over 4 pages per session
>> but spent about an average of 0.86/s per page.  They spend most of
>> their time on the last page.
>> From these I think we can take away that most people come looking for
>> something very specific.
>> How can we fix this? Better search maybe?  Improved navigation bar?
>> Its up to you to work on this.
>> - New users spend a lot *less* time on the site than repeat visitors.
>> Do we need better advocacy data?  Less text to confuse new users?  Is
>> this trend specific to FreeBSD or is it true across the board?
>> - Internet Explorer is 10% of our traffic.

A graph of visitor flow and falloff:

Which pages people visit and how long they stay there:

This is the same report but sorted by "most time spent on page" and
filtered to exclude pages that match "^/cgi"

Of note: if you sort by "most time spent on page" you get man pages

Eitan Adler
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