On 09/09/2012 22:09, Allen Kenner wrote:
> Is anyone here aware of any work being done to make it so that
> Updating, Patching, and so on, on FreeBSD, becomes as easy as it is
> on PC-BSD? Personally I'm VERY biased towards FreeBSD, and I'd switch
> to it completely and no longer even bother much with Linux if I could
> just get it to where I could do security fixes on Ports without
> having to go through such a long process.

There is this rather shiny little project:


I'd call it quietly revolutionary, except that it hasn't been
particularly quiet.  There's been plenty of discussion in freebsd-ports@
and freebsd-current@ as well as what's linked to from that Wiki page.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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