> Andy Young <ayo...@mosaicarchive.com>
> wrote:
> > After using Linux for almost 15 years, I only recently
> started using
> > FreeBSD. I own an internet startup and was looking for
> a solution for
> > implementing large-scale storage servers. In my
> research I found ZFS and
> > subsequently found FreeBSD. As I learned more about it,
> I was incredibly
> > impressed. There are so many elements of FreeBSD that I
> love,
> Can you name a few?
> > I've
> > completely ditched Linux and am deploying FreeBSD
> exclusively on my
> > company's server infrastructure.
> It would be interesting to read about your infrastructure,
> the reasons
> why you found FreeBSD to be a better fit than what you used
> before,
> challenges during deployment and migration, any resulting
> performance/maintenance improvements, etc.
> A short article or a blog post with the above maybe?

The FreeBSD Foundation is always looking for testimonials from companies which 
use FreeBSD. A testimonial should include:

  - Why you use FreeBSD
  - How you have benefited
  - Why the reader (of this testimonial) should donate money to the foundation 
or contribute to the Project.

It should be written by someone high up in the company, like a Director or VP.

You can find examples at: http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/testimonials.shtml

And, you'll notice we include a link to the company next to the author's name.

Testimonials can be sent directly to the Foundation at 
bo...@freebsdfoundation.org or to myself (I'm on the Foundation Board).

> > I can't help wonder why I hadn't heard all
> > about it before. Sure, I knew the name, but I had never
> seen it in use,
> > either in college or in over ten years as a software
> developer since then.
> > In contrast Linux is everywhere! Even though there are
> so many applications
> > where FreeBSD seems to be a better or at least more
> mature solution.
> >
> > What are the current efforts to promote and educate
> people on FreeBSD? I'd
> > love to help spread the word.

Writing an article for BSD Magazine is a good place to start:


Going further afield, write articles, reviews, or give interviews, etc. for 
places like distrowatch, hacker public radio, or other places that tech people 
hang out. If a tech place where you hang out doesn't have anything FreeBSD 
related, submit something. Give a presentation at a local user group or answer 
the call for papers at a technical conference. If you do something advocacy 
related, post the URL here or send it to myself so it can go on the @bsdevents 
twitter feed.

Be creative, do something, and tell people what you did :-)


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