You're welcome Denise,

I do not need the source files in order to replicate the postcards, but if
Deb has them on hand, I will be happy to use them.

Take care,

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Denise Ebery <> wrote:

> **
> Thanks Jenny,
> Would you need the source files from Deb in order to recreate the
> postcards?
> Best, Denise
> On 10/17/2011 11:16, Jenny R wrote:
> Hello Denise and Dru,
> No problem, I would be happy to recreate the postcards in a higher
> resolution format. :)
> Take care,
> Jenny
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Denise Ebery <>wrote:
>> I may be able to have Jenny recreate the postcards in a higher resolution
>> format.  I've cc'd her so she can let us know what she would need in order
>> to do so.
>> Best, Denise
>> On 10/17/2011 09:00, Dru Lavigne wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>>> on you can find some nice
>>>> postcards.
>>>>> As I just got a colour printer and want to test it a
>>>> bit, I would like to
>>>>> print them out. Unfortunately, they are only in a very
>>>> low resolution, but I
>>>>> would like to print them in A4. Are there
>>>> higher-quality versions of them?
>>>>> Regards, Julian
>>>> Sorry but AFAIK there are no other versions with higher
>>>> reso,ution. Maybe Denise can help out?
>>>> - Daniel
>>> I've also cc'd in Deb from the Foundation as she may know where the
>>> original sources are.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dru
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