Hi advoc...@freebsd.org

http://www.softwarefreedomday.org are recruiting city teams to promote
Free Software globally on Sept 17th.

Any teams that get registered in the next week or just over will also get
a free shipment of proomotional goodies. Inc Ubuntu CDs.

yes, not the right note ideally for us perhaps, but if it gets people of
Micro$oft its still good.

I wrote to http://freebsdfoundation.org/ to see if they fancied sponsoring
some BSD CDs.

Here's an example of page set up for team Munich city Muenchen country Germany

Please consider joining with other free software groups in your
local city to get a team together for http://www.softwarefreedomday.org
If you'r quick about it, you can get a publicity starter pack of
freebies from softwarefreedomday.org

PS I hold no official position or remit etc with any of 
I'm just a long term user & code contributor to FreeBSD,
& a team leader for softwarefreedomday.org for my local city.

Its an opportunity for us to co-operate globaly for a day, with
other BSD & Linux & FSF & Perl & Apache etc people in our individual cities.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com
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