1. Graphical installers don't work over serial consoles.

2. There is a live CD.
. Use FreeSBIE if you need a live cd with a graphical environment.

3. mount -t ext2fs

Peer Schaefer wrote:
> I disagree (partially).
> 1st: PCBSD has a graphical installer. But I don't think a graphical
> installer is needed. An installer with a curses-like menu-driven
> interface is sufficient for most techy users (and face it: aunt Jamie is
> not the target audience for *BSD). But I admit that some menus of the
> *BSD installers are a little bit cryptic. The installer also lacks a
> good help facility. Perhaps it needs a little polishing.
> 2nd: The lack of a live CD is a real problem. A live CD is crucial for
> testing hardware compatibility and for data rescue (accessing a UFS
> formatted BSD-slice from a Linux live CD should be theoretically
> possible, but I never got it working).
> 3rd: *BSD is a great server OS. It tried to switch my desktop machine
> too, but in the end two problems blocked that: (a) Automounting USB
> media never worked really good. (b) I have large amount of data on
> ext2/ext3 formatted media. I can't convert them online to UFS, and I
> never got the ext2/ext3 fs-driver for *BSD to correct work.
> Conclusion: A graphical installer is a nice add-on, but no must-have. An
> curses-like interface is ok. But perhaps the installer needs some
> polishing. The lack of a live CD is a real problem. And for desktop
> usage *BSD needs working automounting and a good ext2/ext3 driver.
> Best wishes,
> --Peer
> Am Dienstag, den 15.12.2009, 16:33 +0100 schrieb Jan Husar:
>> http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=1123&tag=nl.e011
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