Alexander Chamandy wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 22:13:03 +0100 (CET), Julian Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Anyone done a BSD presentation to a Chamber of Commerce etc ?  (=
> > IHK in Germany), that might be a particularly effective way of
> > advocating BSD to a wide influential group of decision makers ?
> > 
> > CNN has a (TV not web) feature on free software in business this
> > week, so a good time to approach business wherever CNN is watched ?
> > 
> > -
> > Julian Stacey        Net & Sys Eng Consultant, Munich       
> >
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> I haven't to an actual Chamber of Commerce, but I have to business
> leaders in the capacity of a consultant.  I think if we could create a
> flexible and in-depth presentation to use with such gatherings, it
would generate a lot of interest.

If anyone has down loadable stuff in eg format OK with
I'd grab it & use it.

As I'm British & in Germany, & businesmen aren't techies fluent in
English, it'd be enough work doing the verbal in German, & maybe
translating slides, without actually mastering the presentation
too, so I dont want to master something. (& we only need one person
or team to master, & it should be listed on a central index of
advocacy resources etc)

PS Re. Powerpoint. I wouldn't risk doing the main presentation in
that.  I would be prepared to do a short extra demo presentation
under emulation though, if viable, As suits would also be interested
in ease of use of other MS similar/compat. format & tools etc, such
as PP (Yawn!).

Julian Stacey        Net & Sys Eng Consultant, Munich
Mail in Ascii (Html=Spam).  Ihr Rauch = mein allergischer Kopfschmerz.
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