I found the answer: /etc/pam.d/kde file was missing. My fault. Sorry.
*_CONCLUSION:_* fprint is now fully working on Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon
Gen. 11 (with integrated sensor ID 06cb:00fc Synaptics, Inc.) running
Kali Linux v2024.1 (with latest fixes applied as of today) with KDE
Plasma X1 GUI.
Thanks a lot for this great package !!!
Librement vôtre / Libremente suyo / Freely yours,
*Eric J.P.E. Davanture -
* Mobile: +33-607.08.01.78
*_Approximate location:_* Planet Earth < Solar System < Milky Way Galaxy
< Local Group < Virgo Cluster < Laniakea Supercluster < known Universe
/- There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary and those who don't
- There is NO CLOUD, just other people's computers
- There is NO INTELLIGENCE in AI, just huge knowledge and deep statistics/
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: fprint on HP ZBook 17 G8 Fury running SuSE Linux Enterprise
Desktop 15 SP5
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 14:53:08 +0100
From: Eric J.P.E. Davanture <>
Organization: ⚡ [𝗗𝗔𝗩]⚠
Greetings Benjamin,
Thanks for your answer.
I just tried fprint on a Lenovo X1 Carbon ThinkPad (with integrated
fingerprint reader as well) running Kali Linux (latest release available).
I have the same problem with the login screen but I get other messages
with journalctl (please see attached screenshot).
Does it ring any bell on your side ?
Also, are you the lead developer of fprint package as I understand it now ?
Thanks a lot for your precious time and help.
Have a nice and safe week-end.
Librement vôtre / Libremente suyo / Freely yours,
*Eric J.P.E. Davanture -
* Mobile: +33-607.08.01.78
*_Approximate location:_* Planet Earth < Solar System < Milky Way Galaxy
< Local Group < Virgo Cluster < Laniakea Supercluster < known Universe
/- There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary and those who don't
- There is NO CLOUD, just other people's computers
- There is NO INTELLIGENCE in AI, just huge knowledge and deep statistics/
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: fprint on HP ZBook 17 G8 Fury running SuSE Linux
Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:59:58 +0100
From: Benjamin Berg <>
To: Eric J.P.E. Davanture <>,
honestly, the PAM stuff is kind of painful, and I don't remember how to
debug it. There is nothing interesting in the log, as far as I can tell.
I would still expect a PAM misconfiguration of some sort. It should go
into at some point, but e.g. I don't even have that
enabled locally right now. But, this is Fedora, and there it is
configured using authselect.
On Fri, 2024-03-22 at 16:53 +0100, Eric J.P.E. Davanture wrote:
Greetings Benjamin,
Thanks so much for the quick answer.
Here are my answers to your questions (*==> Like this*):
So, fprintd-verify and fprintd-enroll work, but pam not?
*==> Yes Sir.*
Seems like something is broken in the PAM stack. It is hard to tell
what though, as the only error form fprintd is that Release is called
without first claiming the device, for which I have no explanation.
Maybe auth log has more information?
*==> There is no /var/log/auth.log on SuSE Linux so I checked
/var/log/messages and found that when I lock the desktop and then try
to unlock with the fingerprint and then the usual password after the
"Unlocking failed" message:*
2024-03-22T16:48:54.034464+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 plasmashell[12364]:
2024-03-2216:48:54.033669+0100(0x00007f26f8787700) [info]
[NetworkReachability] [Loop_0x7ffc65f9e490] network is reachable
2024-03-22T16:49:54.412170+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 plasmashell[12364]:
2024-03-2216:49:54.411446+0100(0x00007f26f8787700) [info]
[NetworkReachability] [Loop_0x7ffc65f9e490] network is reachable
2024-03-22T16:50:07.450723+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8
kscreenlocker_greet[22378]: Qt: Session management error:
networkIdsList argument is NULL
2024-03-22T16:50:07.585346+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8
kscreenlocker_greet[22378]: kf.kirigami: Failed to find a Kirigami
platform plugin
2024-03-22T16:50:07.840979+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8
kscreenlocker_greet[22378]: qt.virtualkeyboard.hunspell: Hunspell
dictionary is missing for "en_GB" . Search paths
("/usr/share/qt5/qtvirtualkeyboard/hunspell", "/usr/share/hunspell", "/usr
2024-03-22T16:50:10.078865+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
gkr-pam: stashed password to try later in open session
2024-03-22T16:50:10.079043+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
pam_kwallet5(kde:auth): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_authenticate
2024-03-22T16:50:10.079125+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
pam_kwallet5(kde:auth): pam_kwallet5: we were already executed
2024-03-22T16:50:10.094460+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 unix_chkpwd[22397]:
password check failed for user (DAV-LOCAL)
2024-03-22T16:50:10.094511+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
pam_unix(kde:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=1000
euid=1000 tty= ruser= rhost= user=DAV-LOCAL
2024-03-22T16:50:18.479696+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
gkr-pam: stashed password to try later in open session
2024-03-22T16:50:18.479899+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
pam_kwallet5(kde:auth): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_authenticate
2024-03-22T16:50:18.479980+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
pam_kwallet5(kde:auth): pam_kwallet5: we were already executed
2024-03-22T16:50:18.495403+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kscreenlocker_greet:
pam_kwallet5(kde:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
2024-03-22T16:50:18.574872+01:00 HP-ZBook17-G8 kwin_x11[2882]:
kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 43501, resource id:
9437268, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 6 (Input)
*I am lost at this stage.*
Also, does it even prompt you for a fingerprint on the console?
*==> No. When it was working fine, I had to stike <Enter> key and then
put my finger on the fingerprint and that was all. Now, if I strike
<Enter>, login screen is scrambling a little bit and I immediately
after have the message "Unlocking failed".*
Librement vôtre / Libremente suyo / Freely yours,
*Eric J.P.E. Davanture -
* Mobile: +33-607.08.01.78
*_Approximate location:_* Planet Earth < Solar System < Milky Way
Galaxy < Local Group < Virgo Cluster < Laniakea Supercluster < known
Universe <>
/- There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary and those who don't
- There is NO CLOUD, just other people's computers
- There is NO INTELLIGENCE in AI, just huge knowledge and deep statistics/
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: fprint on HP ZBook 17 G8 Fury running SuSE Linux
Enterprise Desktop 15 SP5
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 16:19:11 +0100
From: Benjamin Berg <>
To: Eric J.P.E. Davanture <>,
On Fri, 2024-03-22 at 15:52 +0100, Eric J.P.E. Davanture wrote:
I have SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 15 SP5 and I use KDE
Plasma X11 with fprintd package installed (v 1.94.2-bp155.2.3.1) to
unlock the desktop using the integrated fingerprint reader of an HP
ZBook 17 G8 Fury (lsusb says: "Bus 003 Device 003: ID 06cb:00f0
Synaptics, Inc." which is supported by fprint).
It worked fine for some weeks but after some SLED 15 SP5 updates
(using zypper up), something broke fprintd package and SuSE Technical
Support does not find what :-(
I can't unlock anymore the desktop with my fingerprint. I get
"Unlocking failed" error message and I have to enter the password
with the keyboard as before.
A few commands I tested:
└─#journalctl -u fprintd.service
Mar 22 11:13:57 HP-ZBook17-G8 systemd[1]: Starting Fingerprint
Authentication Daemon...
Mar 22 11:13:58 HP-ZBook17-G8 systemd[1]: Started Fingerprint
Authentication Daemon.
Mar 22 11:14:57 HP-ZBook17-G8 systemd[1]: fprintd.service:
Deactivated successfully.
Mar 22 15:23:50 HP-ZBook17-G8 systemd[1]: Starting Fingerprint
Authentication Daemon...
Mar 22 15:23:50 HP-ZBook17-G8 systemd[1]: Started Fingerprint
Authentication Daemon.
Mar 22 15:23:53 HP-ZBook17-G8 fprintd[18155]: Authorization denied to
:1.375 to call method 'Release' for device 'Synaptics Sensors':
Device was not claimed before use
Using device /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0
Enrolling right-index-finger finger.
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-retry-scan
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-retry-scan
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-stage-passed
Enroll result: enroll-retry-scan
Enroll result: enroll-completed
Using device /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0
Listing enrolled fingers:
- #0: right-index-finger
Verify started!
Verifying: right-index-finger
Verify result: verify-no-match (done)
So, fprintd-verify and fprintd-enroll work, but pam not?
Seems like something is broken in the PAM stack. It is hard to tell
what though, as the only error form fprintd is that Release is called
without first claiming the device, for which I have no explanation.
Maybe auth log has more information?
Also, does it even prompt you for a fingerprint on the console?
Any idea on how to investigate this problem would be very much
Thanks a lot by now.
Librement vôtre / Libremente suyo / Freely yours,
*Eric J.P.E. Davanture -
* Mobile: +33-607.08.01.78
*_Approximate location:_* Planet Earth < Solar System < Milky Way
Galaxy < Local Group < Virgo Cluster < Laniakea Supercluster < known
Universe <>
/- There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary and those who don't
- There is NO CLOUD, just other people's computers
- There is NO INTELLIGENCE in AI, just huge knowledge and deep