On Thu, 2022-12-01 at 12:41 +0000, Danial Mahmoud wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using libfprint to program a DigitalPersona 4500 reader on a
> Raspberry Pi.

I think that is an image device (at least that is how libfprint seems
to use it in the uru4000 driver).

Which means, the data returned by libfprint contains the template and
you can simply store/load it as you like.


> I want to be able to extract a template file from the reader in order
> to store it in an external database and vice versa; to load the
> reader with an external template from a database for identification.
> Does the libfprint API have functions for reading/loading a template
> onto the reader?
> Many thanks in advance!
> Kind regards,
> Danial

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