Hi everyone,

I would like some advice on how to support a new fingerprint reader device
that is currently not supported in the fprint project. I bought a Dell
Inspiron 5590 which comes with the 27c6:538d Shenzhen Goodix Fingerprint
reader. I noticed that there is support for a bunch of 27c6: Goodix devices
but not for the :538d one.

Let me know what information is required to help add support for my device.



Antonio Sá F Palmeira Filho

Analista de Sistemas, MSc.

+55(98)98413-9386 (Vivo)

<https://telegram.me/palmeirafilho> <https://twitter.com/palmeirafilho>
"Ubi vera amicitia est, ibi idem velle, et idem nolle, tanto dulcius,
quanto sincerius." Onde está a verdadeira amizade, aí está o mesmo querer e
o mesmo não querer, tanto mais agradável, quanto mais sincero. São Tomás de
Aquino em Summa Theologiae I.42.3.

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