Dear Bastien,

Thanks for your quick reply!

Feeling sorry for not indicating clearly about our definition of SSO
In our definition of SSO,
1. Our fingerprint sensor is located on power button of notebook
2. Driver would inform device to pre-capture image while someone touch the 
power button.
3. In login phase, user wouldn't have to identify finger if the pre-capture 
image is existed
4. Driver would submit that pre-capture image to algorithm if the pre-capture 
image is existed, and then login to its corresponding account.

In your opinion, is it possible to implement SSO in libfprint?
Thank you very much for your time and suggestion!

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Bastien Nocera [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:53 PM
To: Dave.Wang <>;
Subject: Re: [fprint] fprintd single sign on limitation


On Tue, 2018-11-13 at 14:50 +0800, Dave.Wang wrote:
> Dear,
> I did some experiments as below:
> 1.      I found that it is necessary to choose which account to login
> first before identifying the corresponding finger.
> 2.      After I choose “account A”, I can’t identify the fingerprint
> which is corresponding to “account B” into “account B”

There's no support for "identification" in fprintd:

> We want to implement application of single sign on.

Single Sign-On (SSO) is something completely different:

> Is it possible to directly log in any account with its corresponding 
> fingerprint, rather than pick the account first and then identify the 
> finger?

It might be possible to integrate this with session logins, but, as a first 
pass, support should be added to the daemon. We can then figure out how to 
integrate it in the PAM module.


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