Hello Igor,
Thank you very much for your driver modification. It remains a problem
for firmware version 1.53. get_calib_mean_cmd answer length is 1 not 2.
see: https://github.com/sbechet/elanfp#hardware-report
see: https://github.com/sbechet/elanfp/blob/master/elanfp.c#L178
MEAN_H only.
I have a hypothesis that should be validated. The firmware version 1.53
does not implement the calculation of the "Re-Calibration condition". As
found in the [documentation] (Elan_FP_Rest_calibration.pdf). That's why
we found many 0x00,0x09 in the original driver.
Igor, what firmware version do you have for 0x0907 please? Is it time to
write to our elan contact? i wrote some questions on my POC repository
Thank you.
On 2018-01-23 22:58, Igor Filatov wrote:
I've updated the driver to support the devices known so far. Please
see if it works for you. Please send me your logs if not.
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_run_cmd] 4024
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_read]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb] transfer length
error: expected 2, got 1
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_dev_reset]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: drv:debug [fpi_ssm_mark_aborted] error
-71 from state 7
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: drv:debug [fpi_ssm_mark_completed]
0x55791fcfff00 completed with status -71
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [activate_complete]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: fp:debug [fpi_imgdev_activate_complete]
status -71
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: async:debug [fpi_drvcb_enroll_started]
status -71
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: enroll_stage_cb: result -71
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [dev_deinit]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: elan:debug [elan_dev_reset]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: async:debug [fpi_drvcb_close_complete]
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: no longer monitoring fd 15
janv. 24 08:00:00 fprintd[PID]: released device 0
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