On 17-01-18 16:22, Igor Filatov wrote:
For me this is either 0x01 or 0x03, just like in the docs. But I do remember
that I could never make it behave like Windows driver did, e.g. return same
values when I sent the same commands in the same order. But I didn't know I had
to give it some time, so that could be the problem.
And I've never seen the Win driver do reset or fuse load. I wonder what's it
Right, I don't think those are necessary.
On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 4:59 PM Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com
<mailto:hdego...@redhat.com>> wrote:
On 17-01-18 14:46, Sébastien Béchet wrote:
> Hello,
> I have done more test and find a functionnal calibration method.
> Strangely, the calibration return returns Mean_H and not the expected status. I
need to read the "FP Status" register for the calibration to work in the next step.
> Also, i added 0x04f3:0x01cA to the test list.
> Hans, can you help us to find a recent list of ids?
> All work now for me:
> $ sudo ./elanfp
> Device with vid 4f3 pid 903 found.
> Config number is 1
> CMD RESET sent
> CMD Fuse Load sent
> FP Bridge FW Version 1.53
> CMD Get Image Size sent
> width x height = 96x96
> CMD Get Calibration Mean sent
> calibration mean value: 33792 (0x8400)
> Calibration Status: 0x84
So for me, this is actually 0x03 and if I don't
add a break condition on this being 0x03 then
the code never leaves the calibration loop for me,
keep in minds that I asked Elan for docs for
*my* model fingerprint reader, although all these
are alike they are not 100% the same...
With that all said, good job! With this one small
change the program works for me.
> Status: 0x1
> CMD Get Calibration Mean sent
> calibration mean value: 256 (0x100)
> CMD Wait For Finger sent
> Received 0x55
> CMD Get Image sent
> Received 18432
> If others confirm maybe Igor can modify the driver?
> On 2018-01-17 12:12, Igor Filatov wrote:
>> Looks like o1ca as well https://github.com/iafilatov/libfprint/pull/4
>> I wonder if we can get a list of ids if devices like these.
>> 2018-01-17 12:50 GMT+02:00 Sébastien Béchet <sebastien.bec...@osinix.com
>>> Hello,
>>> In attachment what I understood from the documentation.
>>> must work for
>>> 0x04f3,0x0903
>>> 0x04f3,0x0907
>>> 0x04f3,0x0C03
>>> 0x04f3,0x0C16
>>> Please try it.
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