Hi Sébastien, thanks for the patches!

I don't quite understand what happens though. You've replaced a number
of stages by plain image read commands (CALIBRATE, CAPTURE_START,
DEACTIVATE) which don't seem to do anything but read and discard the
image. Maybe it's fine to not do anything at all at those phases? My
scanner needed to "scan the air" a few times for calibration and such
reads always follow other specific commands (0x4023, 0x4024). Did you
try to just skip the reads instead?

Do 0903 and 0c03 have leds? If they do, how do you turn them on and off?

Also the orientation. IIRC 0903 is square. Do you swipe the finger on
it? Square sensors could cause problems because it's impossible to
know how they are oriented relatively to the user. Stitching of frames
could fail if the assumptions in the driver are wrong.

2018-01-15 17:34 GMT+02:00 Sébastien Béchet <sebastien.bec...@osinix.com>:
> Hello,
> I take time to create a POC for 04f3:0903 Elan Microelectronics Corp driver.
> I think it is working too for 0x0C03.
> Can someone test it (poc_0903_0C03.diff)?
> I found a bug in elan.c (see bugframesup30.diff) and a small typo
> (typo.diff).
> Thank you.
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