> Maybe driver authors use device with [Focus > stacking](
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus_stacking) ?

> Can it help to have more minutiae?

With these devices the scanned area is so small that not many minutiae can
be found there. I got like 5 o so with my finger and that's what I can
visually confirm looking at the scanned images. It's not about image
quality. I think original drivers could be using a different algorithm.

Looks like your device doesn't react normally to 402a (not unexpected).
It's the third init command in elan.h. Try removing it. Actually, you can
try removing all commands not found in you traces. Just don't remove the
arrays with commands for now, leave empty if needed.

It doesn't seem to complicated to adapt the driver based on your traces but
don't think I'll have any time for it soon…

On 9 Nov 2017 18:32, "Sébastien Béchet" <sebastien.bec...@osinix.com> wrote:

As you ask, i tried [these changes](https://github.com/sb
echet/libfprint/commit/dd5275f8dcdc24e8d94a3b936516c4242d8bf008) for a
first try with `--enable-debug-log` in configure.

$ fprintd-list sbechet
found 1 devices
Device at /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0
Using device /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0
User sbechet has no fingers enrolled for ElanTech Fingerprint Sensor.

`journalctl -f` said:

nov. 09 17:23:09 mycomputer dbus-daemon[283]: [system] Activating via
systemd: service name='net.reactivated.Fprint' unit='fprintd.service'
requested by ':1.233' (uid=1000 pid=2305 comm="fprintd-list sbechet ")
nov. 09 17:23:09 mycomputer fprintd[2306]: fp:debug [fp_init]
nov. 09 17:23:09 mycomputer fprintd[2306]: fp:debug [register_driver]
registered driver elan
nov. 09 17:23:09 mycomputer fprintd[2306]: fp:debug
[find_supporting_driver] driver elan supports USB device 04f3:0903
nov. 09 17:23:09 mycomputer fprintd[2306]: fp:debug
[find_supporting_driver] selected driver elan supports USB device 04f3:0903

Then I try enrollement:

$ fprintd-enroll
Using device /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0
Enrolling right-index-finger finger.
Enroll result: enroll-disconnected


nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: user 'sbechet' claiming the
device: 0
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: async:debug [fp_async_dev_open]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: now monitoring fd 15
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: device 0 claim status 0
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [dev_init]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: async:debug
[fpi_drvcb_open_complete] status 0
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: start enrollment device 0 finger
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: async:debug
[fp_async_enroll_start] starting enrollment
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: fp:debug [generic_acquire_start]
action 1
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [dev_activate]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_dev_reset]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: drv:debug [__ssm_call_handler]
0x55f20425fb70 entering state 0
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_run_cmds]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_run_next_cmd]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_read]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_done]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_run_next_cmd]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_read]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_done]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_run_next_cmd]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_read]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [elan_cmd_cb]
unexpected transfer length
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: drv:debug [fpi_ssm_mark_aborted]
error -71 from state 0
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: drv:debug
[fpi_ssm_mark_completed] 0x55f20425fb70 completed with status -71
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [init_complete]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: fp:debug
[fpi_imgdev_session_error] error -71
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: async:error
[fpi_drvcb_enroll_stage_completed] BUG at async.c:161
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: async:debug
[fpi_drvcb_enroll_stage_completed] result -71
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: enroll_stage_cb: result -71
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: elan:debug [dev_deinit]
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: async:debug
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: no longer monitoring fd 15
nov. 09 17:27:35 mycomputer fprintd[2379]: released device 0

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