Hi Vasily,

2016-12-16 21:28 GMT+01:00 Vasily Khoruzhick <anars...@gmail.com>:

> Hey Jan,
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 7:48 AM, Jan Breuer <jan.bre...@jaybee.cz> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have multiple different figerprint readers from CrossMatch. Because of
> the
> > acquisition of DigitalPersona and Upek, they are formally Upek TouchChip
> > based. I have also documentation of ESS&TFM communication protocol (The
> > protocol with "Ciao" header).
> >
> > I have these readers all with the same USB ID 147e:2016
> > Area sensor TCETC1FF022
> > Area sensor TCETD1FF022
> > Strip senzor TCESC4KS0C0
> > EikonTouch 710 (based on TCETD1)
> > I have extended the upektc_img driver based on this documentation, so it
> can
> > now work with all these readers. I can also determine image resolution
> and
> > type (area, strip) at runtime, so it now supports all possible Upek
> > TouchChip based sensors.
> Great!
> > I have two questions:
> >
> > Is it legal to send you patch based on this documentation (documentation
> is
> > under NDA)?
> I don't know, it depends on the NDA. Thus I'm not sure if you are
> allowed to share the code.
> But on the other hand, you cannot distribute these modifications in
> binary form, since it violates LGPL license.

we still didn't sign any NDA, they give us SDK and now, they just send us
NDA they need to sign. I will have to ask them directly to alow me to
contribute these changes to libfprint.

If they don't alow me to do so, I know it violates LGPL so I will need to
use their proprietary TFM implementation for capturing images. Their
implementation of figerprint recognition does not work on my target
platform so I will have to use NIST's nbis library directly.

> > If yes, what is the best way to tell the driver the sensor type and
> > resolution? I'm now changing upektc_img_driver values at runtime, but
> these
> > values are not properties of currently connected reader but properties of
> > the driver itself. It is impossible to use more then one fignerprint
> reader
> > at a time. Is this OK?
> You can set them to -1 and then update in runtime when you open a
> device. In this case it should work even with multiple devices.
> > Best regards,
> > Jan Breuer
> Regards,
> Vasily
Best regards,
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