Hi, getting only noise in the img_capture example,

What i noticed

If i install the SDK DP UareU-2.0.0-1
Start and exit one of they example
Unistall the SDK and Drivers

the libfprint start capturing ok, and  uru4000:info [init_run_state]
Versions 0040 and 00*14*
change to uru4000:info [init_run_state] Versions 0040 and 00*16*

What can be the problem? or where can i look? this happends on two machines
with kubuntu 12.04 and 13.10 , one with ubuntu 12.04, and a fresh intall
with only libfprint_demo and 12.04 same problem on all , only noise, there
is one machine tan work "out of the box" with libfprint_demo, so i think
the reader isn't the problem

Excuse me, for my bad english.
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