Hi xan,

On Sun, 2014-04-06 at 14:36 +0000, xantares 09 wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot make the img_capture.c example work.
> I'm using an UPEK EikonTouch 300 on linux with latest libfprint 0.5.1,
> while other enroll/verify examples do work.
> The UPEK EikonTouch 300 is claimed to support imaging:
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/fprint/libfprint/upektc/
> it fails with the following ouput:
> Found device claimed by UPEK TouchChip/Eikon Touch 300 driver
> Opened device. It's now time to scan your finger.
> image capture failed, code -95
> Where can I find documentation about this error code ? 
> Grepping headers returns nothing, I only found this bug:
> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60445
> Any hints ?
Not that I am any expert on this library, however I would start figuring
out where in the code it happens, which is much easier if you recompile
with debugging on.

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