Dear Methaniya Mukesh. Thank you for your idea. I have tried it - but actually the /proc/bus/usb exists already. I have put the usbfs into fstab anyway - it seems this wasn't the problem.
Dear Patrick. Thank you but with the older libraries (starting with glibc 2.13 etc) in my stable RHEL 6.4 clone it is not possible to compile 0.5. But I have managed to compile both libfprint and fprintd, both in version 0.4. I have put appropriate lines of aes2660 into 0.4 configure and - it would be the best if I could test if the aes2660 driver works there but I actually don't know how... Thank you. Milan 2013/4/3 methaniya mukesh <> > milan i think problem is there > so try below command > u need to mount fingerprint reader mount point in the /dev directory > so pls use below cammand then see what happen i can help u > > for doing above type this command in ur consol or terminal > mount -t usbfs /dev/bus/usb/ /proc/bus/usb/ > > > and then edit fstab > usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,busgid=XXX,busmode=0775, > devgid=XXX,devmode=0664 0 0 > is only use in fstab and its optional and not nacessary > > On 4/3/13, Milan Lazecky <> wrote: > > Dear all. > > My first steps compiling libfprint succeeded. I put drivers of aes2660 > from > > 0.5 to 0.4, compiled and installed successfully. > > But my fprintd v. 0.4.1 says "device not found" or "no devices in use". I > > have checked ProductID and it should fit with aes2660. > > How can I make fprintd detect my fingerprint device? > > > > Thank you very much. > > > > Milan > > > > > -- > Mukesh Methaniya | Softwar Devloper > > E-30, Electronics Estate, G.I.D.C., Sector-26, > GANDHINAGAR - 382028.Gujarat, INDIA. > Contact: (O) : 079-2328 7461- 68 ( Ext:306) > (M) : +91 9998186874 > >
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