Here’s what ChatGPT says. It just used the UNIX sockets API so nothing different from what you’d see in C. Looks pretty much correct to me but I didn’t try to build it.
program TCPClient; uses SysUtils, Sockets; const HOST = ''; PORT = 12345; var ClientSocket: LongInt; Address: TInetSockAddr; Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char; BytesReceived: LongInt; begin // Create a socket ClientSocket := fpSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ClientSocket = -1 then begin WriteLn('Error creating client socket.'); Halt(1); end; // Connect to the server FillChar(Address, SizeOf(Address), 0); Address.sin_family := AF_INET; Address.sin_port := htons(PORT); Address.sin_addr := StrToHostAddr(HOST); if fpConnect(ClientSocket, @Address, SizeOf(Address)) = -1 then begin WriteLn('Error connecting to server.'); Halt(1); end; WriteLn('Connected to server.'); // Send data to the server fpSend(ClientSocket, 'Hello from the client!', 23, 0); // Receive response from the server BytesReceived := fpRecv(ClientSocket, @Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) - 1, 0); if BytesReceived > 0 then begin Buffer[BytesReceived] := #0; // Null-terminate the string WriteLn('Received: ', Buffer); end; // Close the socket fpClose(ClientSocket); end. program TCPServer; uses SysUtils, Sockets; const PORT = 12345; var ServerSocket, ClientSocket: LongInt; Address: TInetSockAddr; Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char; BytesReceived: LongInt; begin // Create a socket ServerSocket := fpSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ServerSocket = -1 then begin WriteLn('Error creating server socket.'); Halt(1); end; // Bind the socket to a port FillChar(Address, SizeOf(Address), 0); Address.sin_family := AF_INET; Address.sin_port := htons(PORT); Address.sin_addr := htonl(INADDR_ANY); if fpBind(ServerSocket, @Address, SizeOf(Address)) = -1 then begin WriteLn('Error binding server socket.'); Halt(1); end; // Start listening for incoming connections if fpListen(ServerSocket, 5) = -1 then begin WriteLn('Error listening on server socket.'); Halt(1); end; WriteLn('Server is running on port ', PORT, '. Waiting for connections...'); // Accept a connection ClientSocket := fpAccept(ServerSocket, nil, nil); if ClientSocket = -1 then begin WriteLn('Error accepting connection.'); Halt(1); end; WriteLn('Client connected.'); // Receive data from the client BytesReceived := fpRecv(ClientSocket, @Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) - 1, 0); if BytesReceived > 0 then begin Buffer[BytesReceived] := #0; // Null-terminate the string WriteLn('Received: ', Buffer); end; // Send a response to the client fpSend(ClientSocket, 'Hello from the server!', 23, 0); // Close sockets fpClose(ClientSocket); fpClose(ServerSocket); end. Regards, Ryan Joseph On Jan 11, 2025 at 7:46:50 PM, Duke Normandin via fpc-pascal <> wrote: > I’ve Googled my butt off looking for fpc/pascal examples > /tutorials on writing a simple tcp client and server. NO JOY! Anybody got > any ideas? TIA > — > Duke > Sent from my iPhone > _______________________________________________ > fpc-pascal maillist - > >
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