Sven Barth via fpc-pascal said on Thu, 17 Oct 2024 07:46:22 +0200

>Am 17.10.2024 um 01:51 schrieb Rainer Stratmann via fpc-pascal:
>> Am Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2024, 00:08:27 CEST schrieb Sven Barth
>> via fpc- pascal:  
>>> News flash: this is how well behaved Linux applications are
>>> supposed to behave no matter if they are a "Linux system program"
>>> or not.  
>> Haha, I did not know this. Very good that you tell me...
>> As far as I know fpcupdeluxe stores everything in one folder and
>> that works (better).  
>But that doesn't make it correct from a Linux point of view.

Who cares about a correct Linux point of view? I've used Linux every
day exclusively for 23 years, but Linux isn't perfect in every way,
and one way it's not perfect is requiring all the libraries at
runtime. Why not make an fpc subset that runs reliably off a DVD or
small thumb drive?

What got me hooked on Turbo Pascal was TP 2 and 3,
which I could put on a floppy and use at every one of my clients to get
past stuff their chosen languages couldn't do, and do so within a few


Steve Litt
fpc-pascal maillist  -

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