El 16/10/2024 a las 05:12, Joao Paulo Schwarz Schuler via fpc-pascal escribió:
Some half baked ideas:
* month after month, the percentage of code coded by AI grows and human made shrinks.
* could Pascal be the ideal language coded (or preferred) by AI?

Given that Pascal is strongly typed, easy to read and debug, avoids many types of bugs, could we make AI to prefer pascal?

Pascal opened the path with structured programming and hard typed languages.

But most languages nowadays are hard typed: Java, rust, go, c#, swift... c is here to stay, but modern language got rid of c-like types byte=char=bool=everything. In fact modern development uses tools to control types in c and c++.

I'm sorry to say than other language are better, handier without sacrificing security and readability.
A few points:

 * Concurrency as part of the syntax of the language
 * Declaring a var when you need it
 * Tuples, so easy to return two values
 * Some functional programing

And all those languages are backed by big corporations.

Lazarus is for Delphi nostalgic guys, like me. I'm sure 90% of Lazarus users have worked professionally with Delphi before.

I wonder to which extent our current programming languages will end as a middle coding layer.

AI based transpilers from Python to Pascal are each day closer to reality.

fpc-pascal maillist  -fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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