On Wed, 10 May 2023, Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal wrote:

Dear Michael,

thank you for the explanation. I understand that the helper overwrites the 
original constructor. But...

I have defined "type TSomething = type TVec3f" (note the second "type"). So from my perspective, I'd assume that the TSomethingHelper doesn't apply
to TVec3f at all because TSomething is defined as a new type, not only an
alias for TVec3f.

I would expect the type helper to remain functional. The types are the same
for all purposes except they have a different RTTI entry.

But the exact behaviour of the compiler in this case is something that Sven
Barth will need to explain...

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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