Gcc has already been ported to the propeller II, (and it runs on the original propeller too), so porting other languages should be "relatively" easy.  I've not made the attempt to port anything yet though, mostly because I've been out of the propeller world for a couple years, and now that the version 2 is out, I'm trying to reestablish some working environments so I can use the propeller 2.  I have bought some of the mystery boxes, which gave me a propeller 2 edge board with 32MB of ram, but I don't think I have an actual propeller 2 just yet.  Needing others to id things for me is making the list of products I have hard to create, but I'm getting there.

Anyway, since gcc exists, any compiler that uses gcc as the backend should be possible to port.  I've thought about porting FPC, but I'd have to start with a version that's already meant for smaller systems, I do believe someone posted a link to one a few months ago, perhaps that one could be used as a jumping off point, would be interesting to see pascal available for the propeller boards.

On 4/18/2023 6:21 AM, Markus Greim via fpc-pascal wrote:
Hi Adriaan,

whats about a Oberon-0 compiler compiling to Forth?
And then Forth to MacOSX? (RetroForth, Swift or whatever)

That may sound silly, but such a Compiler would help a lot to port Obern to other platforms resp Microcontrollers etc.
For example to the Propeller II ....

Kind Regards

Sent from Front
On April 18, 2023 at 12:13 PM GMT+2 fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org wrote:

Any suggestions for running simple Oberon-0 programs on the MacOSX command-line ? EIther by emulating its RISC processor or by changing the Oberon-0 compiler ? I prefer not to load the entire Oberon system (for which there do exist emulators).


Adriaan van Os
fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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