On Sun, 2 Apr 2023 07:31:43 +0200, Christo Crause via fpc-pascal
<fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org> wrote:

>On Sat, Apr 1, 2023 at 9:57?PM Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal <
>fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org> wrote:
>> Question:
>> Can I use Linux file system commands to read/write the data on the i2c
>> memory device and if so how from fpc?
>To some extent it is possible to handle i2c transactions as file read/write
>operations, but some ioctl calls are required to configure e.g. the device
>address [1]. Take note that only a subset of i2c functionality is available
>using read/write calls. Lazi2cdev [2] uses this approach.
>For finer control over the i2c transactions (for example combined
>write/read transactions) low level ioctl calls are available in Linux.  I
>wrote an i2c class [3] using this approach.
>1. https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/i2c/dev-interface.html
>2. https://github.com/laz2wiringpi/lazI2cdev/blob/master/i2cdev_base.pas
>3. https://github.com/ccrause/rpiplc_pas/blob/main/native/i2c.pas

Hello again!

I have now tested the two demos in github [3] and they seem to work OK.

The i2cscan works and shows exactly the same as sudo i2cdetect -y 1 does from
the i2c-tools package I installed via apt.

i2c_read_reg works too inasmuch as it does not error out, but it returns FF
whatever addres I read like the i2c-tools command does.
I am not sure that it is correct though, for that I need to create an i2c_write
demo app first so I can write values at different locations and read them back.
The EEPROM has until now not been used so it is in its factory state with no

Is there a reason that there is no i2c_write_reg demo in the github package?

I will try to write one so I can test that as well...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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