There will surely be better responses than mine, but imho there is an inconsistency in your code: Near/Far calls are a relict of the 16-bit DOS/Win3.x era. The {$F+} switch should be completely obsolete for both Win32 and Win64 executables.
.obj files are compiled code (pieces) which are not yet linked together. I cannot imagine that there is a chance to convert a 32-bit .obj file into a .64-bit .obj file without recompilation (i.e. having the sources). So I'd assume that you are stuck to the 32-bit architecture or you might try to obtain a 64-bit .obj from the manufacturer. Maybe he's even released a complete library with a documented API in the meantime? (Even though the hardware key is old it could still be supported as part of the driver series of the manufacturer's current hardware.) ----- Original Message ----- From: Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 23:49:30 Subject: [fpc-pascal] Converting Delphi7 code to FreePascal with interfacing to protection key? We have a number of old Delphi7 applications which are in need of porting over to FreePascal. I have successfully done a number of these ports in the last few years... But now I am up against a bit of a problem regarding software we have protected using an USB connected hardware key originally bought from Rainbow, a company that has been bought up in several steps and is now named THALES. Anyway, our software interfaces to the SuperPro protection keys is via a Windows driver from THALES and they have provided a software integration kit way back when we started using the keys. It consist of a Delphi unit basically containing a list of definitions of available API functions into the driver looking like this: ------ { Force FAR calls } {$F+} INTERFACE CONST { SuperPro API error codes } SP_SUCCESS = 0; <snip> SPRO_MAX_QUERY_SIZE = 56; TYPE RB_SPRO_APIPACKET = ARRAY [1..1028] OF CHAR; { Spro API Packet } RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_PTR = ^RB_SPRO_APIPACKET; FUNCTION SproInitialize( ApiPacket : RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_PTR ) : WORD; FUNCTION SproGetExtendedStatus( ApiPacket : RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_PTR ) : WORD; <snip> IMPLEMENTATION USES Windows; {$L SPROMEPS.OBJ} { LINK WITH THE SUPERPRO OBJECT FILE } { External functions } FUNCTION RNBOsproFormatPacket( ApiPacket : RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_PTR; thePacketSize : WORD ) : WORD; STDCALL; EXTERNAL; FUNCTION RNBOsproInitialize( ApiPacket : RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_PTR ) : WORD; STDCALL; EXTERNAL; <snip> FUNCTION SproInitialize( ApiPacket : RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_PTR ) : WORD; VAR returnVal : WORD; BEGIN returnVal := RNBOsproFormatPacket (ApiPacket, RB_SPRO_APIPACKET_SIZE); IF returnVal <> SP_SUCCESS THEN SproInitialize := returnVal ELSE SproInitialize := RNBOsproInitialize (ApiPacket); END; { SproInitialize } <snip a lot of other API functions> BEGIN END. ------ Obviously being from the time when it was received the OBJ file SPROMEPS.OBJ to be linked in is a 32 bit type, so the ported programs need to be compiled/linked into a 32 bit exe file on Windows. Questions: ---------- 1) How should I go about translating the above to current FreePascal syntax? This involves: { Force FAR calls } {$F+} {$L SPROMEPS.OBJ} { LINK WITH THE SUPERPRO OBJECT FILE } 2) Is there a way to translate/convert the 32 bit Windows SPROMEPS.OBJ file into a 64 bit one such that it could be used for a 64 bit fpc compiler? It is the interface to the protection key driver on the Windows system... It does work for our 32 bit Delphi7 programs on Windows 10 x64, so there must be some 32<->64 bit handling in Windows maybe? -- Bo Berglund Developer in Sweden _______________________________________________ fpc-pascal maillist - _______________________________________________ fpc-pascal maillist -