A solution I started using, because the mci commands (for some reason) don't handle all mp3 files I have, was to use a dll called fmod.dll.  It handles several formats, not just mp3, and it can be started on another thread, then ignored.  I've used it to build a much better mp3 player than I was able to make using the mci commands, since now I can handle other formats as well, which helps since interestingly enough, I'm still finding files in other formats burried in my collections, and so far, the fmod program handles them all nicely

It can't be used in a commercial application, but it doesn't sound like yours is, so you should be ok.

On 9/22/2022 4:22 PM, James Richters wrote:
Sorry for the confusion.   Let me clarify:

The freepasal program is always run on a Windows system,  mciSendString is a 
Windows function.  I've seen solutions for this problem that use the NTFS 8.3 
Short file name... Which I thought would work, but, for my application it won't 
work because the file is being loaded off a network drive, and the SERVER for 
the file is a Linux server.. but even though it's a Linux server, the path on 
my windows system is still uses backslashes not forward slashes... It's a 
FreeNAS server with Windows file sharing.  Anyway the point was that only 
windows NTFS formatted drives have the short file name.. so that solution won't 
work at all.  I want the program to be able to play the sound file no matter 
where the file is stored on the network or on a flash drive or a ramdrive.. 
etc,  and not have a requirement that it is an NTFS drive.

So it has to work with windows paths.  Almost all windows applications just put 
it in quotes, but mciSendString does not play nice.  I think it was invented 
during 8.3 limitations and it was only hacked to kind of work with long file 
names.. not really work properly.  The Alias method does work, but it's not so 
convenient for Asynchronous mode because it leaves the file open.. if you close 
it before it finishes playing, it stops and if you wait for it to finish and 
then close it.. well, that's just not asynchronous.


-----Original Message-----
From: fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal-boun...@lists.freepascal.org> On Behalf Of Travis 
Siegel via fpc-pascal
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2022 3:27 PM
To: ja...@productionautomation.net; FPC-Pascal users discussions 
Cc: Travis Siegel <tsie...@softcon.com>; James Richters 
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] mciSendString with long file names

That's on windows, you said the program was running on linux.  In that case, 
backslashes will escape the spaces, allowing the path to be found properly.

Windows paths are different, as mentioned before, they can be escaped too, but 
the character is different.

On 9/22/2022 2:57 PM, James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote:
Won’t backslashes before each space be defining a subdirectory?

If my path looks like:
C:\Program Files\My Program\Some File.MP3 I don't see how changing it
C:\Program\ Files\My\ Progam\Some\ File.MP3 can possibly work.. it's just 
butchering the path.


From: fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal-boun...@lists.freepascal.org> On Behalf
Of Travis Siegel via fpc-pascal
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 4:15 PM
To: FPC-Pascal users discussions <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org>
Cc: Travis Siegel <tsie...@softcon.com>; Jean SUZINEAU
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] mciSendString with long file names

Adding a backslash (\) before each space should do the job nicely.  I have had similar 
issues on linux and windows with some commands, and adding the escape characters to the 
filename almost always fixes the problem.  The only time it didn't, was when the filename 
started with a dash "-" character.  Otherwise, the backslash always works for 

On 9/20/2022 4:16 PM, Jean SUZINEAU via fpc-pascal wrote:
May be by escaping the spaces with ^ ?
Something like:  MyFileName:= StringReplace(MyFileName, ' ', '^ ',
[rfReplaceAll]); ^ is the escape char for cmd.exe but may be it is active in 
this context too ?
Le 20/09/2022 à 18:31, James Richters via fpc-pascal a écrit :
I just tried it that way:
pcmd: String;
MyFileName: String;
pcmd:='play "'+MyFileName+'"'+#0;

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