There actually is a 64-bit version of xp, but it's not compatible with very much.  Apparently, it didn't have an emulator in it, so running 32-bit software wasn't something it did by default.  I never did figure out if it could be made to run 32-bit software or not, I just gave up on it, (more precisely, the person I installed it for gave up on it), because everything they tried to install wouldn't work, because it wasn't 64-bit.

Even so, I have no idea if the FPC cross compiler would work on such a machine anyway, and I no longer have a machine on which I can test said version of windows anyhow, (come to think of it, I don't think I have the install disk for it anymore either), so that will have to remain a mystery.

On 6/21/2022 10:36 AM, Pierre Muller via fpc-pascal wrote:

  this is normally a native aarch64-win64 compiler,
not a cross-compiler package to be installed on linux.

  Note however that, as stated below, this was never tested.
It will also not run on a Windows XP, unless
you have an aarch64-windows_XP, but I am not aware
of the existence of such machines.



Le 21/06/2022 à 11:14, Wolfgang Hubert a écrit :
Hi all,

Pierre Muler via fpc-pascal wrote:

You might also try this "completely untested" cross-installer:

Thank you for pointing me to this installer. Since I am a Windows XP user
and also blind, it would be too much effort for me to install a Linux
machine or compile the compiler myself. I would rather wait until a compiler
for the Windows host is available.

If anyone has one, please let me know.


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