On 12/08/2021 06:26, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal wrote:

Well, sorry to say, but I don't understand this.

What's so hard about it ?

It's like switching car brands from a VW to an Audi or so.
Some buttons are in different places, your key will maybe look different,
but that's it. It's a car, it brings you from a to b.

A file version system manages versions of files. The actual commands differ a little, but that's it.

That comparison is a bit to simple....
And the extend has also to be taken into account.

Lets say you switch from a European to a British car. In theory it is simple. The amount of time you try to find the hand/emergency break or gear stick and your hand goes down along the inside of the car's door.....

If all you need to do is use git for download, then well it is simple in terms, that indeed you just need a "translation". If you have size restrictions, and can't do a full clone, you need a special translation (which you have to find, somewhere in a large manual). Still if you have time, that is indeed simple. "simple, but one off time consuming"

If you need to commit to, then its yet a bit more time consuming. And even if you read up, you will end up with a few surprises. Like you may end up making a commit while detached. Or resetting your local tracking branch onto another remote branch.
It's all recoverable.
And for a lot of people at some point it may be worth it, because they have new knowledge. Be that only to be put on the CV, or be it that they actually benefit from it.

If you need to learn a platform like GitLab with it. Well, we have already examples for some pitfalls that it does have. Example: In a merge-request, which the requestor rebased after making it (and before it got rebased) => there is a link, that shows the difference of the rebase. There is not much of an explanation there. It looks as if those commit between the 2 forkpoints (wrong name) are part of the merge request.

So every new set of features does add new pitfalls.

Still IMHO its more than worth it.

fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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