On 2021-03-09 09:46, Graeme Geldenhuys via fpc-pascal wrote:
On 09/03/2021 1:44 am, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal wrote:
UnicodeString may be used in a program simply because the included
has it used in its interface. That may be the case even if there's no
use of characters outside of US ASCII at all.
So FPC rather goes with the fact that data may be *silently* lost
encoding conversions? That doesn't seem like a safe default behaviour
The same happens e.g. if you configure your terminal to use a font that
doesn't contain all the characters which may appear in the output - the
compiler cannot know all the circumstances and thus cannot handle all of
them; among others due to the fact that there are decisions to be made
based on weighing pros and cons in the particular use case and those
simply aren't 'one size fits all'.
fpc-pascal maillist - fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org