
If you need to create 1000 class instances each frame then you have a flaw in your logic in my opinion.

I have more like a million class instances

For my XPath stuff, and every returned value is put in a variant-like class. Selecting all nodes on an GB large XML, could even create almost a billion class instances

I once did a benchmark. It is 10% faster to reuse the class instances rather than recreating them, my commit log says. And I only implemented one interface (actually, two interfaces, since IUnknown always gets pulled in, too. )

Interfaces are not slow because they are are interfaces! When you call a interface method it has the same costs as a virtual method call! And the cost for reference counting that interfaces have right now would be there for ARC as well.

But it is not calling the method, it is calling the wrapper function

That is a additional second method call/jump for every interface method call.

E.g. _AddRef on TInterfacedObject as an interface, does not call TInterfacedObject._AddRef, it calls this:

0000000000424600 4883ef10                 sub    $0x10,%rdi
0000000000424604 e997f8feff               jmpq   0x413ea0 <SYSTEM$_$TINTERFACEDOBJECT_$__$$__ADDREF$$LONGINT>

On 16.02.21 19:48, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal wrote:
Ryan Joseph via fpc-pascal <fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org <mailto:fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org>> schrieb am Di., 16. Feb. 2021, 19:21:

    > There we have:
    > * slower creation of the class, because each implemented
    interface adds another VMT reference to the class which needs to
    be initialized.

    How bad is this? We need to make a test case we can profile. For
    example if you have a game that creates 1000 classes 60 frames per
    second. If adding interfaces to the classes hurts this process we
    may have a deal breaker.

If you need to create 1000 class instances each frame then you have a flaw in your logic in my opinion.

    > * slow reference counting. Especially if it is thread safe and
    exception safe with the implicit exception block

    It's a whole other topic but FPC needs opt-in ARC at the language
    level for classes. Interfaces are not only slow but then you need
    to pass around a reference to the interface instead of the class
    you actually care about. It makes no sense to me whatsoever.

Interfaces are not slow because they are are interfaces! When you call a interface method it has the same costs as a virtual method call! And the cost for reference counting that interfaces have right now would be there for ARC as well.


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