
Are there any known issues with heaptrc unit via compiler parameters
-gl -gh, when using New() and Dispose() to manually allocate and free

I helped someone debug their code, finding and fixing a memory leaks, but
the FPC memory leak output, after the application terminates, did not mention
the actual method causing the memory leak. I used FPC 3.2 and the other
person used FPC 3.0 - both under Linux for x86_64.

The method that had the memory leak was using New() and Dispose() for memory
management. There was a try..except block and the exception block forgot to
call Dispose() on the variable that was allocated.

Normally FPC is pretty good at pinpointing where a memory leak was caused,
so I was just curious why it didn't work so well this time round.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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