On Mar 21, 2012, at 8:53 AM, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:
> Sue Gardner wrote:
>> Everybody knows that reversing stagnating/declining participation
>> in Wikimedia's projects is our top priority.
> Thank you for sharing this.
> How much discussion has there been internally about this being the wrong
> approach? A good number of active editors (who I imagine Wikimedia is also
> trying to engage and retain) feel that Wikimedia's sole focus is on the
> numbers game. That is, Wikimedia is all about adding people, but doesn't
> seem to care about the quality of the content that it's producing (or the
> quality of the new contributors, for that matter).
> The vision of the Wikimedia movement is to create a free and accessible
> repository of (high-quality) educational content; the vision is not about
> trying to get as many people involved as possible (or even build a
> movement).
> Is there a concern that the current focus on simply boosting the numbers (a
> focus on quantity) is overshadowing the arguably more important goal of
> improving the content (a focus on quality)?
> MZMcBride
This strikes me as a very oddly articulated concern about a crowd-sourcing
project. The basic premise underlying the whole model is increasing the
quantity of contributors increases the quality of the content. Is this really
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