On 14 March 2012 19:27, Tom Morris <t...@tommorris.org> wrote:
> Wow, if only there were another public service broadcaster who
> stupidly decided to chuck away their physical archives for cost
> reasons and then rapidly came to regret it afterwards.
> What's that broadcaster called? I'm pretty sure the name only had a
> Levenshtein distance of 1 from 'CBC'.
> Oh yeah, the BBC.

In fairness they were in a slightly different legal situation and
technological level.

> That's the BBC of "wiping Doctor Who episodes to reuse tape" fame.

Ah you've not had dealings with the hardcore of the Dr Who fans. I
understand that claim is considered questionable.

> If the CBC were to follow the BBC's folly, that would be tragic and
> utterly stupid.

Different situations. The BBC's stuff was its in house productions.
Going by the description on the petition most of the CBC stuff is
stuff from third parties that can at a pinch be purchases on the open


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