Congratulations Noopur!
Your work with GLAM in India over the last year has been fantastic, so I
can only expect you'll be doing great things in this new role too :-) I'm
looking forward to seeing the results of what you'll be doing.

Peace, love & metadata

On 5 March 2012 15:13, Hisham <> wrote:

> cross-posting; apologies if you have already read this from another list.
> hisham
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Hisham <>
> > Subject: Announcing Noopur Raval as Consultant, Wikimedia Foundation
> (India Program, Communications)
> > Date: March 5, 2012 7:19:05 PM GMT+05:30
> > To: Wikimedia India Community list <
> >
> > Cc: Noopur <>
> >
> > Dear All,
> >
> > I am pleased to announce that Noopur Raval ([User:Noopur28] has been
> selected as Consultant to the Wikimedia Foundation, and will support
> Communications for India Program.
> >
> > This position will perform 4 key functions.  Firstly, it will support
> communications with our community.  This involves a regular set of updates
> (such as newsletters) as well as specific communication projects such as
> story-telling of local community initiatives (to document experiences,
> celebrate successes and cross-pollinate ideas.)  This is not for day-to-day
> program communications - which is a core part of each of our
> responsibilities in the India Program team.  Second will be to support
> media & PR for local community initiatives.  The single biggest challenge
> here will to be get more Indic language media coverage to support community
> building efforts. This will be done directly with community members and
> also in co-ordination with the India Chapter's Communications Media & PR
> team.  The third aspect is to build and expand existing community social
> networks (such as WikimediaIndia on facebook) and to help with the use of
> social networks to support community building.  Lastly, there is untapped
> potential of using digital outreach - to augment existing physical outreach
> efforts.  We need to (very, very carefully) explore if we can reach out to
> our large and growing reader base and inform, encourage and enable them to
> become editors using online channels and resources.
> >
> > Noopur is a community member and has supported outreach activities (in
> Ahmedabad & Delhi), is a member of Delhi SIG of the Chapter, has
> participated in community collaborations like Collaboration of the Month
> and has been actively trying to start GLAM in India.
> >
> > Noopur is from Gandhinagar and is graduating from JNU with a Master's in
> Arts & Aesthetics.  She has a triple honors Bachelor's in Media Studies,
> Literature and Psychology from Christ College, Bangalore.  She has interned
> with Radio Mirchi, Times of India and the Centre for Internet & Society
> (amongst others) - as well as done some teaching assignments.  She is an
> active blogger (including for the India Art Summit, 2011.) She has
> published a novella and co-authored an anthology of poems, plays & short
> stories and has co-presented a paper on "Wikiwars" with [User:Srikeit.]
>  She is also an amateur photographer and has contributed to Commons as well
> as other platforms.
> >
> > The Communications position has taken a long time to fill.  The initial
> call for selection was in September.  I reported back to the community in
> December that I had failed to find the right candidate and hence the delay.
>  There were a number of deserving candidates and this selection has taken
> time because of the need to find the most suitable profile for a complex
> role.  This role requires the right mix of an academic foundation in
> communications, domain expertise as well as adequate familiarity with our
> community.  It also requires adaptability and strong learning skills -
> because so much of what we are trying to do is pioneering.  I am confident
> that she brings the right level of experience and competencies  - and I'm
> very excited by the opportunity of making a step jump in the impact of
> communications for our community.
> >
> > Do join me in welcoming Noopur.  She will start on March 12 and will be
> based in New Delhi.
> >
> > Best
> >
> > hisham
> >
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