The Board approves the following letter to be sent to the community:
The organizational structure of the Wikimedia movement is growing
rapidly: since 2010, the number of chapters has grown by 50%, and the
size of the Foundation has doubled. Over the past 18 months, the
movement roles group has worked to clarify the roles and
responsibilities of different groups working within our international
movement, and the Board thanks those who have participated in this process.
We want to make it easier for a wider variety of groups to be recognized
as part of the movement. Below are draft resolutions to recognize new
models of affiliation, based on input received to date. They are posted
on Meta for feedback, to encourage discussion and improvement. We
encourage everyone to participate on the talk pages between now and 10
March. We aim to finalize, approve, and publish the resolutions by 28
Posted on Meta at:
== Expansion of movement affiliation models ==
In acknowledgement of the diversity of groups contributing to our
movement, the Board recognizes an expanded framework for affiliation of
Wikimedia groups furthering our movement:
*: '''Chapters''': legal entities with bylaws and mission aligned with
Wikimedia's, focused on supporting related work within a geography.
Chapters must reach agreement with the Foundation for use of the
Wikimedia trademarks for their work, publicity, and fundraising; and
would be allowed to use a name clearly linking them to Wikimedia.
*: '''Partner Organizations''': legal entities with bylaws and mission
aligned with Wikimedia's, focused on a cultural, linguistic, or other
topic; not be exclusive to any geography. Partner organizations must
reach agreement with the Foundation for use of the Wikimedia trademarks
for their work, publicity, and fundraising; and would be allowed to use
a name clearly linking them to Wikimedia.
*: '''Associations''': open-membership groups with an established
contact person and stated purpose, which need basic use of the Wikimedia
trademarks for promotion and organization of projects and events. A new
association can be formed by listing its information in a public place,
and confirming their contact information. An association contact can
sign an optional agreement to use Wikimedia marks in a limited way in
the scope of their work. Small projects can be supported through
individual reimbursement.
*: '''Affiliates''': like-minded organizations that actively support the
movement's work. They are listed publicly and granted limited use of the
marks on websites and posters indicating their support of and
collaboration with Wikimedia.
== Recognizing new affiliation models ==
In connection with its decision to expand the framework of affiliated
groups, the Board expands the mandate of the Chapters Committee to
include all affiliations, and asks it to update its scope and rules of
procedure to cover:
* recognizing all group models
* mentoring chapters and partner organiations
* reviewing and summarizing the status of all groups
The committee should also indicate what resources it will need to be
effective, including staff support and resources from the Foundation.
This proposed charter and plan should be shared with the Board by 15
June, for approval by its July 2012 meeting.
* [[wmf:Audit charter]]
* [[wmf:Resolution:Chapters committee/Scope]]
* [[wmf:Resolution:Chapters committee/Rules of procedure]]
Ting Chen
Member of the Board of Trustees
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
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