Forwarding from internal. The right to vanish... or a part of it... proposed as law.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Richard Symonds <> Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:46 AM Subject: [Internal-l] Right to be Forgotten To: A new law promising internet users the "right to be forgotten" will be proposed by the European Commission on Wednesday. It says people will be able to ask for data about them to be deleted and firms will have to comply unless there are "legitimate" grounds to retain it. The move is part of a wide-ranging overhaul of the commission's 1995 Data Protection Directive. Richard Symonds Office& Development Manager Wikimedia UK ---------------------------------------- As Bence noted: > You can find the December 2011 draft at > > (Article 15 is the relevant part). > The stated exceptions do not include expense or technical difficulty, but > include > " except to the extent that the retention of the personal data is necessary: > (a) for exercising the right of freedom of expression in accordance with > Article 79; > or > (b) for historical, statistical and scientific research purposes in > accordance with > Article 83; or > (c) for compliance with a legal obligation to retain the data by Union or > Member > State law to which the controller is subject; this law shall meet an > objective of > public interest, respect the essence of the right to the protection of > personal > data and be proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued; or > (d) in the cases referred to in paragraph 4." > > I'll leave it to the lawyers to decide how this affects Wikimedia (which is > hosted > outside the EEA) and whether any of the exceptions can be applied to it. _______________________________________________ foundation-l mailing list Unsubscribe: