Fred Bauder wrote:
> David Gerard wrote:
>> 3 months I can live with :-) Can someone from WMF just confirm what data
>> is kept for how long?
> The exact time is confidential.

Err, no, I don't think so. It's not defined in the files at
<>, which means it should be using the
default, as defined at
ser.php?revision=106556&view=markup>. From that file:

# How long to keep CU data?
$wgCUDMaxAge = 3 * 30 * 24 * 3600; // 3 months

The last attempt to change this value (without community discussion) was
summarily shot down:

That's only CheckUser data, though. I'm not sure what David wants confirmed
from the Wikimedia Foundation. Different data has different expiries. A lot
of it is permanent (e.g., revisions aren't going anywhere for the most
part). I guess the question is specific to the ClickTracking extension:


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