On 18/01/2012 14:14, Alec Meta wrote:
>> Why does the Board of Trustees think that WMF should raise the «maximum
>> possible amount of money»?
>> Why not ask for what is needed and nothing more?
> Because we don't expect to be JUST Wikipedia forever.   We have a lot
> of innovation ahead of us.  If we stand still, we'll be overtaken.
> With more funding, we can responsibly begin to expand beyond the
> confines of Wikipedia-as-we-currently-know-it.

99% of the work in the movement is done by volunteers - for free. Money
is not the alpha&omega of our movement. That's why we should maybe ask
ourself if raising the  «maximum possible amount of money» is a the most
important thing to do.

> If we collected only what we need to stay afloat, then all we'll do is
> stay afloat.    I hope in future we'll expand and see a corresponding
> increase in donations.

We already collect more money as what we need to «stay afloat»... But I
agree this is not our goal.


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