2012/1/7 David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com>

> On 7 January 2012 20:12, emijrp <emi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina holds 400,000 artifacts.
> > Any National Cultural Institution closing is a disaster.
> Yes, it is. So what's the game plan?
I'm not sure. If the WMF goals are to collect/preserve/disseminate
educational content, they can start with the holdings in endangered
cultural institutions. It is not my work, but some suggestions, from low to
high involvement:

* blog post exposing the events
* a call to the museums, showing that we are concerned
* offering wikimedia projects to host any materials they want to give
* marathon to create related articles
* organize a "Wiki Invades..." to take photos and notes of the collections
* wikipedian in residence and put some money to fund some activities
* any other high profile partnership

And read international news related to our long-term goals.

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