> Hmmm... do some of the editors have such a problem with entries that are
> in progress that they decide to propose them for deletion rather than
> attempt to support the efforts of the original author by adding to the
> content or make any effort to improve the article rather than remove it?
> Isn't WP supposed to help people by expanding our knowledge and
> improving the transmission of information?
> I've just been subjected to a rather bizarre bunch of activity by
> Mythpage88, who seems anxious to delete everything I've written over the
> years in WP on the basis that it isn't "notable".
> The work I've documented is a vital part of the arts history in the
> Silicon Valley during the 1990's - a time when the Internet was making a
> tremendous impact on original work in performing arts.   For example:
> Virtual Valley might have been sponsored by Pacific Bell and San Jose
> Metro, but it was the very first time that non-profits had with the
> ability to use the Internet.
> Why shouldn't this be documented on WP? If you think something is an
> "Ad" then rewrite it - don't delete it just because you can!
Can you point us to a dialogue you have had with Mythpage88?

What's bugging him?


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