A useful update on this situation, for anyone interested:


On Wednesday 07 December 2011 04:09 AM, Marc A. Pelletier wrote:
> On 06/12/2011 4:21 PM, WereSpielChequers wrote:
>> Unless he casts his net wider I'm personally more concerned about the sort
>> of politicians who are prudish about nudity on the web and reluctant to
>> have information about evolution in the classrooms.
> The point is, many people (including myself) don't think there *is* a
> difference.  Prudish about caricatures of colleagues, about images of
> Mohammad, about image of human genitalia, or about images of the
> holocaust (Hi, Mike!) are all the same thing with different targets.
> The sentiment is the same, and the danger to freedom of information is
> the same.
> -- Coren / Marc
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