On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 9:00 PM, phoebe ayers <phoebe.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> Minutes for the October 7-8 meeting of the WMF Board are now posted:
> http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Minutes/2011-10-07
> Sorry about the long delay on getting these up.
> best,

"Sue presented a proposal: that the Board send a letter to the
community acknowledging opposition to the filter idea; that the idea
of a category-based system be dropped, as it is problematic and highly
controversial, but that staff continue discussions with the community
about how to build a system that would meet the Board's objective

Pathetic, bordering on barking insane. If that is how people over
there read the situation, the are in for a rude
awakening. Again the corporate "we hear you" language, but not hearing
a bloody thing. Category shmategory.
It isn't the method the community is against, it is the whole frigging
priniple of the thing. Wake up and smell the

Jussi-Ville Heiskanen, ~ [[User:Cimon Avaro]]

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