On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 2:09 PM, MZMcBride <z...@mzmcbride.com> wrote:

> Andreas K. wrote:
> > The way this would work is that each project page would have an "Enable
> > image filtering" entry in the side bar. Clicking on this would add a
> "Hide"
> > button to each image displayed on the page. Clicking on "Hide" would then
> > grey the image, and automatically add it to the user's personal filter
> list.
> I think this sounds pretty good. Is there any indication how German
> Wikipedians generally view an implementation like this? I can't imagine
> English Wikipedians caring about an additional sidebar link/opt-in feature
> like this.

The proposal is currently being discussed here:


So far, several editors who were rigorously opposed to the category-based
filter idea have said that they would see no reason to oppose personal
filter lists. (One editor mentioned disturbing images in the German
meningitis article http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meningitis as an example in
the discussion.) About the same number have said that they would still be
opposed on principle. It's early days though; at the time of writing, fewer
than ten editors have commented.

There is some German user involvement and also some German-language
discussion on Meta, with a similar pattern (and also some questions that
only the board and programmers can answer):


Dirk Franke, a well-known German Wikipedian and member of the German
Wikimedia board (Benutzer:Southpark), posted an entry on his blog, saying
that in his opinion this could indeed form the basis of a constructive
discussion about the image filter:


There have also been heated discussions about Sue's visit, the board, the
appropriateness of image filtering, image use, a simple images on/off
option etc. on the Kurier talk page:


– again, some comments saying personal filter lists would be okay, others
countering that any softening of the resistance against any kind of image
filter would be a sell-out.

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