On 23 November 2011 19:31, Jan-Bart de Vreede <janb...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On 23 nov. 2011, at 20:17, James Forrester wrote:
>> On 23 November 2011 19:07, Jan-Bart de Vreede <janb...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>>> In the past years I have seen a lot of people spend a lot of time on 
>>> different bids which never
>>> made it (even though they were pretty good). Could this be the year that we 
>>> change this
>>> procedure and try to do things differently? I would love to explore how we 
>>> can avoid a lot of
>>> people wasting their energy...
>>> How about taking a little time to look at these and other imperfects of the 
>>> current system
>>> before jumping right in, and trying to see if we can improve it?
>> Happy to pause things, but there's limited time (even if we just
>> awarded it today, 19 months isn't a huge amount of time to organise an
>> event which is quite a significant amount of work). Previously there
>> have been calls for the Board to establish a "Committee" of some sort
>> to oversee Wikimanias and try to come to some agreement about how to
>> improve the system - but I worry that if we start discussions about
>> how we're going to decide to decide we'll never get anywhere. :-)
> true,
> And if I am the only one having these concerns then no worries, but taking a
> couple of days to share concerns might be a good idea :)

Sure. I'm totally not going to try to rail-road this discussion (or
maybe it should be on-wiki?) by announcing a Jury when we're not sure
how we'll proceed. :-)

James D. Forrester
jdforres...@wikimedia.org | jdforres...@gmail.com
[[Wikipedia:User:Jdforrester|James F.]]

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