Congratulations and thank you for everyone who working on it. the next 2
month is not going to be easier! :)

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Sue Gardner <>wrote:

> The campaign for this year is officially launched! Congratulations to
> everyone working on it, and fingers crossed for its success.
> Thanks,
> Sue
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Sue Gardner" <>
> Date: Nov 15, 2011 2:30 PM
> Subject: Thank you from the Wikimedia Foundation
> To: "Susan Gardner" <>
> Dear Susan,
> You are amazing, thank you so much for donating to the Wikimedia
> Foundation!
> This is how we pay our bills -- it's people like you, giving five dollars,
> twenty dollars, a hundred dollars. My favourite donation last year was five
> pounds from a little girl in England, who had persuaded her parents to let
> her donate her allowance. It's people like you, joining with that girl, who
> make it possible for Wikipedia to continue providing free, easy access to
> unbiased information, for everyone around the world. For everyone who helps
> pay for it, and for those who can't afford to help. Thank you so much.
> I know it's easy to ignore our appeals, and I'm glad that you didn't. From
> me, and from the tens of thousands of volunteers who write Wikipedia: thank
> you for helping us make the world a better place. We will use your money
> carefully, and I thank you for your trust in us.
> Thanks,
> *Sue Gardner*
> Wikimedia Foundation Executive Director
> For your records: Your donation on 2011-11-15 was USD 1000.00.
> This letter may serve as a record of your donation. No goods or services
> were provided, in whole or in part, for this contribution. The Wikimedia
> Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable corporation with 501(c)(3) tax
> exempt status in the United States. Our address is 149 New Montgomery, 3rd
> Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105. U.S. tax-exempt number: 20-0049703
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