Following up on last year's OSTP call for comments (which I also sent
to foundation-l), the US government is seeking public comment on more
technical questions (including policy, repository and standards
development) related to sharing federally-funded scholarly data and
publications. This process is relevant for shaping access to a major
source of free knowledge, and such open access issues are of general
interest to many of us. Comments are due in January.

-- phoebe

----- Forwarded Message -----

The White House Office for Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has
released two Requests for Information, one on public access to digital
data resulting from federally funded scientific research and one on
public access to peer-reviewed scholarly publications resulting from
federally funded research. Responses are due January.

(1) "[T]his Request for Information (RFI) offers the opportunity for
interested individuals and organizations to provide recommendations on
approaches for ensuring long-term stewardship and encouraging broad
public access to unclassified digital data that result from federally
funded scientific research....Response Date: January 12, 2012...."

(2) "[T]his Request for Information (RFI) offers the opportunity for
interested individuals and organizations to provide recommendations on
approaches for ensuring long-term stewardship and broad public access
to the peer-reviewed scholarly publications that result from federally
funded scientific research....Response Date:
January 2, 2012...."

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