On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:57 PM, David Richfield
<davidrichfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [Suggestion to encourage other website to generate pastable citation code]
> I like it a lot!  How do we go about promoting this idea?

I dont like it.

Websites should provide citations as COinS, or another standardised format.

Then tools can be built around importing and exporting them into
Wikipedia formats. (include different code for different language



That does create a barrier to entry, however I would prefer someone
adds "* Author, Book title, p. num" in the References section rather
than pasting in syntax code from another website without much clue
about the process.  If they get the former wrong, someone will help
them.  If they get the latter wrong, they will probably be reverted
for breaking the article.

We could create a zotero plugin which allows the ref to be added to
the end of paragraph.

We could go even further and integrate mediawiki and a zotero server
so that Wikipedia can use named refs throughout.


John Vandenberg

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